About Us

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MindHearts Academy of the Philippines (MAP) Inc., believes that education is the cornerstone of a successful and fulfilling life. Knowledge, great experience, and life skills are the framework through which children see their world. MAP values the vital role environment plays in developing a joyful, confident, and resourceful child. MAP places ultimate emphasis on creating a carefully-planned and well-reserved environment that is accommodating, warm, and engaging. |
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MAP offers an academically fun and rigorous educational learning where children are encouraged to become critical thinkers, creative individuals, and lifelong learners through a research/inquiry-based programme. We provide motivating and inspiring experiences focused on the strengths and needs of individuals. MAP therefore encourages each child to reach his/her full potential and act according to his/her uniqueness – academically, socially, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. |
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MAP fosters love for teaching and training. It provides children with the skills and abilities they need to be capable and flexible in a rapidly changing world. At MindHearts, each child is known, stimulated, and supported by all staff. Parents are always welcome at MAP and we value the familial milieu that encourages partnership between home and school. |
Vision: A Center for Excellence in Character Formation providing holistic, high quality, and enhanced elementary education.
Mission: A ‘home’ in nurturing lifelong learners who excel as happy, well disciplined, value laden and motivated Filipinos serving the community ad nation as everyday heroes and responsible global citizens.
A Leading Elementary Educational Community assisting the professional development and career path of teachers.
Motto: “Nurturing Everyday HEROES.”
Anchored on ...
D EDICATION to God, country and duty
E XCELLENCE by doing ordinary duties extraordinarily well
V IRTUOUS and joyful living
O BEDIENCE to God, Parents and Mentors, Conscience
T HANKFULNESS to God, Parents and Mentors
I NITIATIVE in serving the poor and CREATIVITY for improvement
O RGANIZATION through Leadership by example and teamwork
N URTURE mother earth and environment
Offering our LOVING PRESENCE by using REASON and KINDNESS as a way of life in educating and empowering the young to make right choices
Life-long and responsible global citizens living as everyday HEROES
MindHearts Academy of the Philippines’ Guiding Principles: MakaDIYOS, MakaTAO, MakaKALIKASAN, MakaBANSA
Develop Character Formation: good manners, the sense of right from wrong, right conduct, and nurturing virtues.
Bring Filipino Moral-Spiritual perspectives on the learners’ understanding, skills, and values.
Challenge individuals to be friendly, caring, and respectful learners realizing their full potentials.
Encourage differentiation, diversity, and synergy amongst learners.
Ensure that learners translate knowledge into practice for the betterment of the family/community/society/world.
Lead learners to participate responsibly by serving the family, nation and the global community.